4 Misconceptions About Invisalign

Misconceptions about invisalign

Invisalign is a revolutionary treatment that helps people with mildly to moderately crooked teeth get the perfectly aligned smile they have been dreaming of. Unfortunately, though, there are a few common misconceptions about Invisalign that could be holding you back from trying it out. To put your mind at ease, let’s take a look at some of these misconceptions and myths.

Invisalign Does Not Work as Well as Traditional Braces

One of the most common misconceptions about Invisalign, people think that it will not be as effective as traditional braces. However, Invisalign is just as effective at aligning teeth as traditional metal braces. While Invisalign cannot resolve a severe overbite or other problems with the alignment of the jaw, it can bring teeth into perfect alignment in just a few months.

Invisalign Costs More Than Traditional Braces

Actually, when you compare prices, Invisalign and braces have comparable costs. The biggest difference is that Invisalign will typically take a year or less, whereas braces can take much longer to pull your teeth into alignment.

My Insurance Will Not Cover Invisalign

Yes, many insurance plans do not cover any kind of orthodontic work. However, consider that Invisalign is just as effective at aligning teeth as braces and that it is comparable in cost. For these reasons, more and more insurance plans now cover Invisalign.

Your Teeth Will Go Shift Back Out of Place After Treatment

Of all the misconceptions about Invisalign, patients tend to worry about this one the most. After you finish with your last set of Invisalign trays, you will come in to see your dentist near Bayport to be fitted for a retainer. If you wear your retainer at night, your teeth will stay perfectly aligned for years to come.

Contact Our Invisalign Dentist Near Bayport

Would you like more information about myths and misconceptions about Invisalign? Contact us at Al Berger, DDS at our office in Bohemia near Bayport, NY today at 631-589-2600, and we will be happy to answer your questions and schedule your appointment. To learn more about Invisalign, read about the benefits of Invisalign, and learn if you are a candidate for Invisalign.

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